Red straw I’m not short i’m just a tall Elf shirt
I want to show this Red straw I’m not short i’m just a tall Elf shirt to my daughter. She is going through her tweens, a time where social acceptance and approval from some of her contemporaries seems to determine her self worth! I keep telling her to be true to herself, always be a lady even when others are being mean, and not to buy into the nasty things people say to her. Because it’s about them, not her. My heart breaks for her when she has sleepless nights suffering from anxiety because she has to return to school to navigate the pressures she experiences daily.
Red straw I’m not short i’m just a tall Elf shirt
I keep telling her to let it go, not take on board the negative comments. It’s just noise. It doesn’t make it true! I tell her to speak her mind politely and not to feel bad for being who she is, which, besides the raging hormones and mood swings of a pre-teen is a beautiful, caring, loving Red straw I’m not short i’m just a tall Elf shirt with a deep social conscience who genuinely cares about others. I want her to see this, because, she sees it as my job as her mother to boost her morale “because that’s what Mums are supposed to do ” but doesn’t really understand that it’s because she genuinely is a good kid.
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