If the earth was flat cats would have pushed everything off it by now shirt
Without love, there is a void, nothingness, the abyss, so find what you love and love it. He’s not considered a weirdo because he’s actually come to realization that one day he has to die so he has to change because when he comes to the door of the Lord he has to ponder back to his soul and what he’s done so what he’s doing is opening our eyes that are already open. Love everything about this If the earth was flat cats would have pushed everything off it by now shirt! If we all could just get out of our own way the potential is limitless. I am all the stuff that makes me me no big headlines no big story trust me that is all.
If the earth was flat, cats would have pushed everything off it by now shirt, unisex shirt and longsleeve
I am honest with myself and I do not care about other people’s opinions. Be like the If the earth was flat cats would have pushed everything off it by now shirt on the ocean. Not coming into this world but coming out of it. Please don’t take life advice from a man who made millions talking with his ass cheeks! Promotes socialism here like his home Canada but won’t line there due to taxes. I’ve always and I mean always have hated what people think about me and being a juvenile offender who want too live a life that was never given its time too take. I’m not a juvenile offender I’m a person who has had it enough.
If the earth was flat, cats would have pushed everything off it by now shirt, ladies shirt, hoodie and sweater
You’re a person who committed sex crimes on a juvenile? Is that better? But I don’t know how to get past what it is I think I am. Yea I have been saying some stuff like this for a long time some people will not understand. We spend a lifetime creating an ego/mask. Who were we before we created our If the earth was flat cats would have pushed everything off it by now shirt? Who is that behind the mask? Our origin reveals more than we are taught.Is fame and fortune the only definition of “making it”? I believe we are far too infatuated with our own identity, and too rigid in our perception of it.
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