I just want to pack my bags and go to Colorado shirt
Liked your comment, but one can of course still be concerned about what other women also go through in terms of sexism, it isnt judging. It’s possible to care even if you also have problems. And if we can’t call I just want to pack my bags and go to Colorado shirt unacceptable norms behaviour elsewhere until our own lives are in perfect order then we will just sit around waiting for ever. Fighting sexism isn’t an individual battle, it’s a global one.
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I’m pretty sure my parents make any important decisions together. Dad earns most of the money and has no idea how the bills get paid or how banks work so I just want to pack my bags and go to Colorado shirt there is some team work going on there. The division of labour might have still fallen on traditional gender lines but dad’s working class job paid better than mum’s working class job so why wouldn’t she be the one to work part time?
Best I just want to pack my bags and go to Colorado shirt
Why do people act like it’s so hard not to be on the same page with the person you’re having a baby with? It’s actually pretty easy not to get pregnant if you put a bit of effort in, and most reasonable people would talk about this kind of thing before deciding to I just want to pack my bags and go to Colorado shirt procreate with someone. If they didn’t it’s kind of on them. I sometimes think western women would rather complain than communicate.
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