Good girls go to heaven bad girls go to lux with Lucifer morningstar shirt
Ask in a way that doesn’t presume, that focuses on bringing the situation to a negotiable Good girls go to heaven bad girls go to lux with Lucifer morningstar shirt that shows you are willing to work with them to figure things out, that doesn’t force anything from others. Show you are open minded and accepting. That doesn’t mean you have to give in or not stand your ground, either. Balance flexibility with strength in your attitude. Your goal for your words or actions is to inject compassion in all your interactions with others. Remember your humanity. Everyone struggles with different things, and everyone deals with their own challenges differently.
Good girls go to heaven bad girls go to lux with Lucifer morningstar shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt
Not everyone can rise to the Good girls go to heaven bad girls go to lux with Lucifer morningstar tshirt it’s not fair to set the expectations without allowing for growth and a steep learning curve. People need comfort and guidance. Some people aren’t used to having that and have developed defense mechanisms in their place. Some can turn off their emotions and go numb to combat the overwhelming emotions they have. People can be calm 99% of the time and go off on you because you were there when they hit overload. Most of the time people are angry because they are struggling to deal with things in their life. People can be angry about good causes or bad things happening in the world, but usually these are reasonably logical thoughts. If they progress beyond that, it’s again more personal.
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