xmas shark daddy shark shirt
Great whites require large bodies of xmas shark daddy shark shirt and large food sources that’s why they can not survive in captivity. Another words leave them in the ocean. Leave them the hell alone! Why do we have to capture everything? No other being is as cruel as humans. Leave birds alone too! Their gift is flight, and we take that away from them. Selfish and heartless. If they were saving them it would be different but they didn’t. Humans do not deserve this Earth.
xmas shark daddy shark shirt
xmas shark daddy shark shirt
If its this xmas shark daddy shark shirt a great white alive in captivity that should be enough realization to say wow we probably shouldnt keep trying this. Disgusting what they will do to make some good money from a large crowd at sea world fucking goofs. They should be ashamed! I understand that we want to study these animals but you can do that in the field. Capturing them is awful.
Fascinating. Maybe they don’t get the exercise they need or can’t reach high enough speeds to get enough oxygen? It would be like being at an extremely high altitude and slowly suffocating. I wish there was more information. Sharks including whales and dolphines shouldn’t be held in captivity. These animals in their own natural habitat, swim hundreds of miles everyday! Its incomparable to what the zoo gives them
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