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I don’t mind going to a museum to learn about the meaning of Juanito Laguna and the croc eating a leg, but shouldn’t we get a Unicorn only 0 0002 of the world has ehlers danlos syndrome shirt on what those artists disagreed with that made them did what they did? It was 100% art critique and 0% of historical background. What a wasted opportunity.
Unicorn only 0 0002 of the world has ehlers danlos syndrome shirt
My mom always told me, “school is just the foundation so you can do what you want, put up with the ridiculous requirements so you can earn the flexibility once you are done”. I tell my high school kid this all the time, but I’m so much less eloquent. It basically goes “Most of this is Unicorn only 0 0002 of the world has ehlers danlos syndrome shirt that doesn’t matter.
Unicorn only 0 0002 of the world has ehlers danlos syndrome shirt
But it’s the game you have to play in order to get to do what you want”. This is excellent advice which allows him to pursue his Unicorn only 0 0002 of the world has ehlers danlos syndrome shirt in the framework of what’s necessary in the world today to earn a living. He may still be able to expand and reinterpret his formal education. Most times a start requires that piece of diploma, then go for it.
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