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one with an intellect, you’re referring to intellect as an object versus one who is intellectual. But I’m gonna go ahead and call a spade a spade and you sir are a couple of cards short of a full deck. But nice try.
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I have you know. I personally know this lad. And she is a wonderful woman. She used to take care of transporting my elderly mother. She did it with her whole Toddler Patriots Shirt. She certainly wasn’t making the money she deserved nor did she get the accolades that she should have. The world needs more people like her, she has a heart of gold. She is a woman that does the right thing even when no one is looking.
Best Toddler Patriots T Shirt
Honestly this made me cry but I do not believe this lady did anything special or want to be thought of as a hero. I do not believe that Toddler Patriots Shirt any reasonable thinking adult driving by would just leave that child there. It’s great she did get the child in a timely manner before she got hurt but I’m hoping we all would run and grab that baby. If that’s the case why didn’t someone pick her up a block before. Some pass the opportunity to save that child.
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