Tell me I’m pretty buy me goat shirt
Laura I watched and Tell me I’m pretty buy me goat shirt, maybe you were nervous but I wished you would not have talked so much over General Kelley words,watch the video,.a lot of tv people do and its ennoying. The most realistic perspective to the government I have watched so far, and I have watched a lot. This lady speaks the points that makes america great and highlights what every american faces daily. It is true. Our government is supoosed to serve us, not themselves. Our taxes are OUR monies. Not theirs.
Tell me I’m pretty buy me goat shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt
Best Tell me I’m pretty buy me goat shirt
They should not be allowed to Tell me I’m pretty buy me goat shirt. Well seems to me the loose cannons are the ones in Congress and Senate. We made it too good of a job for doing g nothing! High pensions healthcare a multitude of Bennie’s. I for one want government given back to the people. Our founders were regular men working! It’s a mess. Our President may not be polished but he is a smart God fearing and awesome business man. If you for one minute think other gov. Officials are any better morally lol! Wrong they are like Hollywood these days. I won’t be satisfied until I see every one of them hanging at the end of a rope
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