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I highly recommend taking self-defense classes because no matter where you are you will encounter creeps parents need to be better about raising the Slothbucks coffee shirt and society needs to call out bad behavior immediately as we all know, often men are raised to stay boys and society let them get away with being creeps all too frequently. Never seen anything and trust me I’m a very frequent flier it is airline policy these days to not seat children flying alone next to adults and especially men if at all possible for obvious reasons crew are very aware of the situation.
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Airlines have a Slothbucks coffee tshirt of care to all of their passengers. When allocating seating, females, and males should be sat separately to protect people from taking advantage. Hate people you harass just because they can or think they’re something special. Keep your thoughts and your overzealous actions to yourselves and leave people alone. Probably because they were close enough to hear.
If the men on the Slothbucks coffee tshirt are being called out for not intervening so should the rest of the women. This happened to me some gross man kept leaning across me to supposedly look out the window, take up my space with the armrest like leaning his face on his arm and staring at me/smiling.
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