Once upon a time there was a girl who really loved dogs and sloths it was me the end shirt
You have opened my Once upon a time there was a girl who really loved dogs and sloths it was me the end shirt towards people in a positive and negative way. But more so positive to see who are your true friends and who are not. And who will love you in return and who will not. So I enjoy all of your videos and the meaning they have behind it. I wish I could have turned back the hands of time and saw all these wonderful messages. So that you share thank you. It’s funny. Because I am the one friend for life that helps someone going through a very tough time 2 separations. But job loss, working accident and for some reasons. So that I ignore one day finish and no reasons given except lies. Did it hurt me a lot? I feel this in my heart, every day. To whom I can gain so much wisdom about anything, who pushes me to fight to my very best because she believes the warrior in me.
Once upon a time there was a girl who really loved dogs and sloths it was me the end shirt, hoodie, sweater and V-neck t-shirt
Best Once upon a time there was a girl who really loved dogs and sloths it was me the end shirt
You don’t understand Once upon a time there was a girl who really loved dogs and sloths it was me the end shirt unless you’ve been there. You can’t understand fear unless you’ve felt it. All anyone can ask for is understanding, and help to heal. I know what it’s like to have no one. To have the seasons pass by like leaves blown by the wind. To go day to day feeling lost and afraid. Like the tree that only there for a short time and then it gets too old to heavy. But it cut down and tossed away and forgotten. To feel grief so strongly you can let it go! To want to end it like it is just dust in the wind, to disappear. But your heart scatters like rain drop then disappears. My worst enemy, loneliness.
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