Nurse Santa heart Christmas shirt
Try to see them through a place of gentleness, kindness, loving, compassionate being that you are. Perhaps you will see a different side of them or you may see them through a different perspective. This Nurse Santa heart Christmas shirt may trigger something else from your past. Maybe someone else has hurt you and it triggered the same pain. Nevertheless, be open to whatever comes out of that practice. Whatever is revealed to you is one thing, it doesn’t dismiss the hurt it caused you. Then again with your hand on your heart, bring loving kindness to yourself. Name what your feeling, sadness, hurt, shame, anger, isolation and say it over and over.
Nurse Santa heart Christmas shirt
Then, try to notice where that pain is attached to your body, stomach, headaches, back pain, shoulders. Identify it and then release it. Let it go, say some kind of affirmation that will help you rid of the physical and emotional hurt. There’s always physical hurt, we just don’t make the connection. The Nurse Santa heart Christmas shirt carries everything. You may have to do this a few times. It may feel foreign at first, but do it over and over until it does. You must be genuine, authentic and honest with yourself. When you forgive you’ll taste the same pain all over again because they’ll backbite you again. Also because you forgive doesn’t mean you need to have a relationship with the person.
Nurse Santa heart Christmas shirt
Forgiveness releases you of the bondage of the trauma. I never realized how bitter and how resentful I had become. I was one of those who believed you can’t forgive cos you can’t forget. Holding onto the anger and bitter hurt is only hurting you and when you hurt those around you. Forgive and you will forget. Move on and find yourself but start by finding your fun side again. First Nurse Santa heart Christmas shirt is to learn how to laugh again laugh out loud. It’s amazing therapy. I know it’s hard what we go through but we through is nothing compare to what God went through. He gave up his only son for us and we still sin but he still forgive us so what makes us.
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