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The earlier days of mankind, we would disregard the National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation Shirts When Santa Squeezes His Fat White Ass Sweater in our society. The only reason we dreadfully care for the very ill or the disabled or our elderly in any way is because of our technology. If you take away all of that in an instant, then mankind will revert back to its primitive state of being in regards to survival of the fittest.
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You can’t convince me that if my loved ones were sick and we lost technology that I would give up on them. We are not animals. We have reason and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation Shirts When Santa Squeezes His Fat White Ass Sweater and a value of life. Even if an EMP hit and we were back to primitive means, that is not going to change for the vast majority. I could see a very few egomaniacs but we as as species would not go that route.
Best National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation Shirts When Santa Squeezes His Fat White Ass Sweater
Wolves will eat their young if they can’t find enough food to help them survive. Birds will watch their young fall from the nest if they can’t fly. Humans have been thought morals and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation Shirts When Santa Squeezes His Fat White Ass Sweater will keep to them but in stressed situations this becomes desentisised and they will kill off the weakest. In rural China they threw newborn girls outside to die as their one child policy only allowed them to keep one.
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