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Fielding was writing at a Love Yorkie Mom Yorkshire Terrier shirt time of intense social and political change and took up his pen in response to the crises of the moment. Until the repressive Licensing Act of 1737, he had enjoyed a reputation as the author of satirical burlesques. When the Jacobite uprising threatened the Hanoverian settlement, Fielding sprang to the defence of George II, and edited the True Patriot.In hindsight, the English novel was an obvious new arena for his imagination, but it was literary rivalry that pushed him, in middle age, on to the path of fiction.
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In 1740, Samuel Richardson’s Pamela, or Love Yorkie Mom Yorkshire Terrier shirt Virtue Rewarded, the tale of a young woman who becomes a great lady and finds true happiness by defending her chastity, was the London sensation of the season, an early bestseller. Fielding’s response to Pamela was complicated. He admired its success, scorned its sententious moralising, and attacked it in an anonymous parody, Shamela Thriving on the competition with Richardson, Fielding next completed his first novel, Joseph Andrewswhich began as a further parody of Pamela before finding its own narrative voice. After this debut, following the dramas of the ’45, Fielding began work on his masterpiece, The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling.
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