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If that’s the case then how come the environment survived just fine since the last major ice age about 2 million years ago? The natural environment is in part the product of the animals that live in it. For example elephants destroy millions of trees every year or I see more private parts than a hooker nurse life shirt rather they used to before we decimated their population and that is one of the reasons why Africa naturally has lots of savanna grassland. The only time this gets out of hand is when a species reached plague proportions in terms of its dominant impact.
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Best I see more private parts than a hooker nurse life shirt
The most adorable fat water puppy cow. The underwater fart at the beginning of the video. The hungry hungry hippo eating a marble. Her impersonation of I see more private parts than a hooker nurse life shirt being too lazy to get up for food, and lying down while trying to eat with her trying to eat that lettuce while trying not to move from her comfy spot. And her sweet mermaid dance moves.
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