I Don’t Give A Duck Funny T-Shirt
Having ducks myself I can vouch for them being hugely intelligent, but what makes them adorable is their sense of fun and mischief. To see them watch my chickens gather together in the I Don’t Give A Duck Funny T-Shirt. The ducks bide their time, wait for the chickens to squash themselves flat out, then once satisfied the chickens are zoned out the ducks divebomb into their pond.
I Don’t Give A Duck Funny T-Shirt, Youth tee, V-neck, Sweater and Unisex, t-shirt
They’ll hide behind buxus shrubs in the I Don’t Give A Duck Funny T-Shirt, and I swear it’s the same as when a kid jumps out from behind a tree and shouts boo they jump out from behind these buxus shrubs to deliberately startle a passing chicken. The two of them, once satisfied with their mischief is over, seek each other out, to then seemingly quack with laughter because of it.
Best I Don’t Give A Duck Funny T-Shirt
They also terrorise the I Don’t Give A Duck Funny T-Shirt and any garden birds that they can sneak up on. Also each day the ducks stand by the chicken run in readiness for me letting the girls out into the garden. The ducks without fail try to peck the chicken girls bums, not with any malice, but for their amusement only. Honestly you can never feel gloomy when you’re in the company of a duck.
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