Grinch yall realize I’m gonna snap one day right Christmas shirt
In my situation, the person isn’t worth my words or effort anymore all they get from me in silence. But others can take it that if you can’t be bothered to give an answer or response. You aren’t worth keeping around. I don’t agree! Everyone deserves a response. No response just means you are thoughtless and inconsiderate !Look, introverts sometimes let it linger. Because they don’t have the energy to return an “appropriate” response. There’s no reason to make us feel more guilty about this than we already feel. We’re here, we love Grinch yall realize I’m gonna snap one day right Christmas shirt, and if you’re a real friend you know that.
Grinch yall realize I’m gonna snap one day right Christmas shirt
So when you are selling Grinch yall realize I’m gonna snap one day right Christmas shirt on Facebook marketplace and someone responds and says interested then when you tell them yes available and they never respond back, does that mean they responded or still interested?I have sent work related email, slack messages, texts with no response. But that was the response. Boy does that hurt.Response some fast we get from family or friends or someone. But important response we looking for sometimes delay. It is could no response is a response.
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