Flamingo on the flamingo float tube drinking juice shirt
To all the ppl above, you can love Flamingo on the flamingo float tube drinking juice shirtunconditionally. But emotional attachment is different and we shouldn’t be depending on it. Because nothing in the world belongs to us forever. We all are going to let go of all the things someday. Well, you’ve got a whole life to depend and madly fall in love with yourself. One gives a shit of what you say fam we did not want to hear about you if you say your not an emotional person then what made you comment on this post. No one asked her about how she feels why I replied to her is because I care so shut the fuck up and mind your own shit. We sure are going to let go off all the things. But, what we leave behind are memories and they are not made with yourself. I totally agree with you. Others can’t guarantee our happiness. I too don’t depend on others for validation.
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Best Flamingo on the flamingo float tube drinking juice shirt
Yes, I have family and good Flamingo on the flamingo float tube drinking juice shirt and deep and long conversations with other humans but I can keep myself happy. I also believe that we shouldn’t depend on anyone to accept our Creator to survive in this world or find happiness and tranquility. We should create our own identity and work towards achieving our individual goals. Here moral of the story is how could we reveal our love. So it should be unconditional. Different strokes for different folks but I get your point only because one time in my life, I was in that situation. No mother, father, siblings, husband, and children can ever help and all I can do is rise above it myself. And so I did. Merry Christmas and peace to all!
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