Eeyore buckle up butter cup I have anger issues and a serious dislike for stupid people shirt
The sky is the limit. All because grand, great, and Eeyore buckle up butter cup I have anger issues and a serious dislike for stupid people shirt. I’ve left and returned. The topic of this post is racists towns. I’ve traveled WV working and enjoying it is not as bad as the south that they talk about in this Smithsonian documentary. Sorry, Hinton dealt you bad memory. A few years ago there was the talk of changing the name, but don’t think it went anywhere. I drive through that way to go visit relatives in northern WV.
Eeyore buckle up butter cup I have anger issues and a serious dislike for stupid people shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt
Best Eeyore buckle up butter cup I have anger issues and a serious dislike for stupid people shirt
My sister was traveling yesterday through Eeyore buckle up butter cup I have anger issues and a serious dislike for stupid people shirt. Said she wasn’t stopping till she git where she was going. Born and raised in Charleston, WV and never had any problems. Grew up with whites in Kanawha City and never had a problem. I guess it depends on what part of WV you are traveling through and you can find racism in any place. Racism is about the same in all those places.
I have been to all but a few states in the continental US and there is no reason whatsoever to think that anyplace is worse or better than another where racism is concerned. This perception that the south is racist and the North is not is a complete fabrication. The mail carrier was doing a better job than her, lol throwing them then kicking them to the curb why the mailman puts them down with care. I guess at least she helped more than the camera guy!
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