Drill it till it squirts shirt
I have an idea, let’s reduce the size of the men’s Drill it till it squirts shirt to even out the lines? Cause you know everything has to be forced equal these days to not offend people. If you want more people of color or women in a particular field, then go to school for it! No one is stopping any colored person or woman from being an architect just like there’s no one stopping a man from being a nurse or a hairdresser. This isn’t sexism or racism. I’m an engineer and I work with plenty of architects who are women as well as different ethnicities. Also is this guy wearing lipstick? Or did I get the pronoun wrong? This race stuff is getting old. Quotas don’t solve anything.
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Best Drill it till it squirts shirt
If a person wants to be in a certain field they will attract to Drill it till it squirts shirt. You can’t force people into jobs or environments they don’t want to be in. This gender identity politics are just sad. It’s racist in a way. My question is, what’s the reason for that statistic? About it mainly be a white man’s game that is. Is it because women and non-white people don’t go for those jobs? He said registered architects, not employed architects. So everyone architect that is registered to be hired is counted. I literally was about to tag you in this. Because I thought you’d find it interesting and as I typed your name I saw you tagged someone else in this
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