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People need to open up their eyes and their ears who is this and look around and think for Dragon Book Wyrm Shirt instead of what the government tells you or not even the government. People runs the government which is the 13 families which are not human people need to stop believing what they are told they are acting like robots controlled robots wake up people the truth is right in front of you maybe it’s the chem trails that make you not see.
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You can’t undo history so many people have talked about this as soon as the first civilizations they talk about sky. People they talk about Dragon Book Wyrm Shirt that they should have no knowledge of they talk about planets they talk about galaxies as they should know anything about they have more advanced technology than we have today back.
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It’s definitely coming most people are naive about the they’ve meaning the government has been building over 800 jails throughout the Dragon Book Wyrm TShirt. They are empty and they are preparing for martial law and this is coming soon why would they build 800 unmanned jails why would they be building these concentration camps people got to wake up to reality of what’s coming.
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