The Trumpeters are too stupid to figure that Dr.Seuss The Grinch So Over Xmas Shirt they’re content enough just dragging themselves over two miles of broken glass to eat the corn out of Trump’s excrement. However Adam Chief did Bobby Wilson We the Trump supporters will play you all like a fiddle Bobby Wilson The only house that that orange stain is going to is The Big House. Bobby Wilson You Democrat lemmings will follow Queen Jealousy and her court jester Chiefly right over that cliff.
Bobby Wilson The Democrats are the Dr.Seuss The Grinch So Over Xmas Shirt who have been in hiding trying to get a story line. Not get all the goblins in a room to devise the best scheme possible on how to proceed. It will be interesting to see trumpeters twisting into pretzels defending their supreme orange leader Bobby Wilson should have been public from the beginning. Phillip Gamble wager right now that the first 3 days of public testimony that Republicans do more damage to Trump than anyone. Voted for more Republicans than Democrats in the last 35 years and obviously there’s no need to enter into any discussion regarding intellect with you. Bobby Wilson Bobby if anyone is ignorant or stupid it all of you TRUMP hating ignorant democrats, Bobby Wilson looking forward to all the cross examinations, gonna lay open the left like a beluga whale in a cargo ship prop.
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