Cow heifers be trippin ok maybe I pushed her shirt
My husband came and traded vehicles with me one day at the Cow heifers be trippin ok maybe I pushed her shirt and as I went to lunch it came out and nibbles on the back of my leg! I nearly wrecked! No cows but we did have about 20 hens loose in the old station wagon. They were ex-battery hens, hubby said they’ll just sit in the back like hell they did, they were on the backs of the seats on the floor and one tried out the steering wheel when we were stopped at the lights. Thankfully we had the trailer on so we stopped to make a pen for them on the trailer with some of the stuff he’d bought at the sale. Fun day though, I’d never laughed so much.
Cow heifers be trippin ok maybe I pushed her shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt
Offical Cow heifers be trippin ok maybe I pushed her shirt
I bought a Cow heifers be trippin ok maybe I pushed her shirt and had no way to haul it except in the back seat of my 67 Chevy. Oh my goodness!!! It was about ten miles home and I thought we would never make it. Stress causes diarrhea and of course, it hit while on the road. When we got home, I had to take the hose to the inside of my car and put new carpet in. Talk about an experience! Been there, done that in the back of a Lincoln Continental with an American Saddlebred filly whose momma stepped on her and broke her leg and we had to keep taking her to the vet to get the cast changed as she grew. She was so small she would have gotten hurt in the trailer.
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