Christmas Pit Bull Santa Adidas Shirt
Christmas Pit Bull Santa Adidas Shirt! Some of you with your negative comments really need to get a life rather than sitting on Facebook slamming a guy on his own page who you know absolutely nothing about except for what you see on a tv show and hear. Until you see him with your own 2 eyes or meet him personally and actually see how he handles his dogs in real life beside on a show that directed by someone else, keep your comments to yourself.
Christmas Pit Bull Santa Adidas Shirt, Youth tee, Ladies tee and V-Neck T-Shirt
There’s so many people against pit bulls due to their past and their given name, but people seriously need to realize that any dog has the chance to turn on anyone, not just the Christmas Pit Bull Santa Adidas Shirt. I’ve own my fair share of pits and they have been hands down the best and most loyal breed I have even owned. Mine never bit or attacked anyone or showed any kind of aggression towards anyone. It’s all in how you raise a dog.
Christmas Pit Bull Santa Adidas Shirt, Hoodie, Longsleeve and Sweater
If you raise a dog around kids, that dog will be forever loyal to them and would never put them in harms way. We all know that toddlers can be energetic, bringing that energy around a dog at a early start gets the Christmas Pit Bull Santa Adidas Shirt for what is to come, getting them use to how kids are prepares them for all the tail pulling, climbing on them, and constant interaction that the dog will be use to it and causing lack of aggression towards the child. But some of you automatically assume this dog will turn on the child… NOT! As that child grows up, and that dog ages, they will be the best of friends and will protect one another.
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