Chicken Pig Cow I’d smoke that BBQ shirt
This is the one area where we really need to Chicken Pig Cow I’d smoke that BBQ shirt. If we could grow our own livestock food, it would save us thousands a year. Who the hell decided that only certain mammals are animals whats the rest – furniture? And birds a chicken is a bird just as an exotic parrot. I have a serious question if I go vegan do I have to go anti-vax as well? And can I use being vegan as an excuse not to get the flu vax at work?
Chicken Pig Cow I’d smoke that BBQ shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt
Best Chicken Pig Cow I’d smoke that BBQ shirt
Pigs are dangerous. They kill and eat people. It’s either you or Chicken Pig Cow I’d smoke that BBQ shirt. People can stop supporting animal suffering by boycotting bacon, and other meats, and switching to plant-based foods now!” It’s legal to transport animals for up to 36 hours, without food or water, at any temperature. In the summer, they suffer from heatstroke! In the winter, they freeze to death inside open metal trucks driving on the highway.
I think some of the people that followed Jesus were Shepard’s you don’t need a shepherd for one cow or donkey or sheep so yes meat farming has been going on for over 2000 years. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I went and checked my fridge and I’m out of bacon and ham. I suspect subsidizing plant protein’s is going to become very lucrative soon! This could be the beginning of the end of factory farms! I hope.
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