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Do you have any idea how difficult it is to not only write lyrics, but the Chase elliott signature Shirtbehind it. Better do your research on Missy, she’s a musician, with an uncanny gift. She’s the full package, and has reached every sector of this Earth with her music. As far as the subject content you’ve mentioned, are you trying to discredit artists that have included sex within in their catalog. If so, your list of those worthy of this acknowledgment, is very small, and you’re excluding so many that have already recieved this honor.
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How many’s times are you going to say the same Chase elliott signature Shirt about Missy. If you do not like her or her music that is fine . And that is your opinion. I mean it is not that serious to repeat what she sings about , anyone that is her fans knows what she sings about and how talent she is. Furthermore she is not the only one who sings about dicks, sex ,strippers. Please really do your research before you come on here and keep judging just because you do not like her music.
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She wrote the song for puffy and mc lyte is what I said. It’s just not being on the Chase elliott signature Shirt she wrote hella songs for ppl including herself. The people vote on it and she made it. Their are a lot of underground rappers who don’t get the respect they deserve either. I’d love to see J dilla Q tip or Pete rock. No one was comparing who to what. And a lot of ppl are comparing her to cardi b when that topic is irrelevant.
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