Bikesexual I’ll ride just about anything shirt
I would love to buy a t-shirt if you would put the logo on the Bikesexual I’ll ride just about anything shirt. I think that most people like the logos on the back of their T-Shirts! I only ride bike trails but not all places have them but all cyclists have cars as well. There are lots of Nissan leaf drivers who don’t buy gasoline and therefore do not fund roads like the 95% of the drivers who pay gas taxes.
Bikesexual I’ll ride just about anything shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt
Best Bikesexual I’ll ride just about anything shirt
Those drivers cannot claim that they pay their fair share of Bikesexual I’ll ride just about anything shirt. Same for bike riders. Bike riders are freeloaders. Do you have the certified record as far as record keeping, the fastest bike is an HPV and well documented and certified. I have to believe that this is a joke. The gas tax pays for the wear and tear on roads caused by vehicles. Show me a roadway that has had damage caused by bicycle traffic.
Riding a bicycle reduces damage done to roadways. You should be thanking cyclists because if they weren’t riding bikes, they’d be driving cars, causing more damage/repairs and higher taxes. So cyclists are lowering your taxes. This could just be a red flag to them, especially since reading comprehension is so rare among bigots. It doesn’t bother you to be shady crooks? I bet your moms are so proud.
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