Be nice to the Cashier Santa is watching Christmas shirt
When one of us is sent on break and the register closes, please do not roll your eyes or start speaking poorly to your shopping companions about the person who Be nice to the Cashier Santa is watching Christmas shirt. They’ve been on their feet for hours trying to provide good customer service and deserve a break.
Be nice to the Cashier Santa is watching Christmas shirt
This is not theory it is a known fact that those who are in a good mood spend more money! Don’t believe me ask Disney! Why do you think they Be nice to the Cashier Santa is watching Christmas shirt, they parade every day down main street! They know happy people spend more money. I’ll bet you know someone who went there for a vacation and spent way more than they had budgeted! I know I have.
Best Be nice to the Cashier Santa is watching Christmas shirt
On a side note, but in line with the gift of giving, while I was in the store I saw a man in a wheel chair with one leg just about to approach the cashier. I quietly went to the front of the line (with 10 people in line) and Be nice to the Cashier Santa is watching Christmas shirt. As I stood from afar, I could see the cashier trying to explain to the man that someone had paid for his goods he was bewildered and beyond overjoyed!
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