Batman Christmas Jumper Fou Tees Shirt
We added videos of our caped socks in action for those of you who wanted to see what they can do! The videos are on the product page and the Batman Christmas Jumper Fou Tees Shirt. Yesterday’s Hot Tub Time Machine topic had a nice comment about slapping Michael Bay and telling him not to suck. If you could go back in time and stop any movie from being made, which would it be? Mine would be the sequels to Karate Kid, or at the very least part 3 and the girl one.
Batman Christmas Jumper Fou Tees Shirt
We just added a line of socks from DC Comics and TMNT. The socks with capes on them are proving to be a hit! Batman Christmas Jumper Fou Tees Shirt! It’s probably really cool to run super fast in these or stand in front of a fan and make the cape fly back. Normally we only send out discounts to people on our email list, but I’ve heard this facebook thing is pretty popular so I’m thinking about sending it out via FB. If this post gets 1000 combined likes, shares, and comments I’ll post the code at the mystery link!
Batman Christmas Jumper Fou Tees Shirt
I have NEVER met someone who received a pup (or any other pet) on Christmas then a month or two later think “you know what….naaaah I don’t want it anymore.” Batman Christmas Jumper Fou Tees Shirt And toss it out. Never. If I want to gift an animal as a present, then I will. I’m fully aware of the responsibilities and am prepared to offer a loving home, as I’m sure the majority of other parents are. So sshhh.
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