A woman cannot survive on wine alone she also needs a giraffe shirt
This is brilliant A woman cannot survive on wine alone she also needs a giraffe shirt. Maybe if American parents of today. Not me, I played outside all day. So would understand the benefit of this, they would have less to worry about, and the kids would be healthier and much happier. Kids need more in their lives than school, home, TV, and computers in their faces. Let them run, play and learn. For this to be possible we would have to change the complete system we actually live in, every citizen must have to worry about their country and other people. So they must have an order in any kind of situations. And also the government would need to spare less money on national defense and invest more in the people. I think you know. Parents need to learn.
A woman cannot survive on wine alone she also needs a giraffe shirt, hoodie, sweater and V-neck t-shirt
Best A woman cannot survive on wine alone she also needs a giraffe shirt
So we need to find a balance in many ways to have A woman cannot survive on wine alone she also needs a giraffe shirt. And keep on pushing forward in the right way. The Japanese way of life can you imagine. American children doing this they are not taught to be disciplined and if they were parents would complain about a different culture but I personally love the idea. Love this idea. Wish American schools would do this. We have turned our kids into zombies. Their attention is always stuck in an electronic device, a TV, headphones, whatever. They have become obese, lazy, unimaginative, unwilling to participate in the world around them. So they become totally unprepared for real life. They expect everything to be done for them. Whose fault is it?
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