Never underestimate a woman who understands baseball and loves New York Yankees shirt
Whenever we go to the park she spots plastic and picks it. I’ll share this video with her. I think we could start doing our litter picking too. I hope karma is watching and repays your humanity with blessings and good fortune. Very impressed! If every person who goes to a park or a beach picks up 3 pieces of rubbish it would really help our world. Wow if everyone picks up some rubbish every day the world would improve exponentially. Every day I walk the Never underestimate a woman who understands baseball and loves New York Yankees shirts to work and take a bag. I fill it with litter and bin it when I get into the town center.
Never underestimate a woman who understands baseball and loves New York Yankees shirt, hoodie, tank top and sweater
I get this from my dad. A stickler for timekeeping hates litter. I pick up litter, bottles, cans, etc. when I’m out walking my dog. People just look at me like I’m an alien! Never say a good job or offer to help! People take no pride in their neighborhoods anymore and always assume someone else will do it. Employ social welfare people to charge fine to people who litter and ask the Never underestimate a woman who understands baseball and loves New York Yankees shirt to make them clean after paying the fine. This will help not only to keep them busy away from violence but also help climate change.
I seriously don’t understand why people throw rubbish on the floor. It’s a completely alien concept! When one of my aunties was a Never underestimate a woman who understands baseball and loves New York Yankees shirt was told that she had a weak heart because the heartbeat wasn’t strong, and probably wouldn’t make old bones. Years later, during a routine examination, my auntie was told that her heart was on the wrong side. She lived until nearly 95.
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