Just a girl who loves softball and slime shirt
Sue Best it was merely an observation. Just a girl who loves softball and slime shirt. You made an unwarranted assumption about my beliefs because you are an irrational human being. I’m an American, and I believe it is our duty to do what’s best for our own citizens and all who reside within our borders before becoming involved with foreign affairs. You don’t like free speech, yet are okay with rampant taxation and violations of personal liberty. Just because I pointed out that the rest of the world has disdain for Israel doesn’t make me anti-Semitic or a Nazi, and calling me one just shows that you lack the ability to debate anything like an adult or a civilized human being.
Just a girl who loves softball and slime shirt, hoodie, sweater and v-neck t-shirt
Best Just a girl who loves softball and slime shirt
Because you will just break down and Just a girl who loves softball and slime shirt, strawman arguments and ad hominem attacks. Jason Alberti you totally right but you’re wasting your time with this people this guy’s is paid for somebody else or for the same add but most this people watch two much fox news and in the other hand I got nothing against to no body but the truth hurts. That’s without counting the they do to improve our weapons, the testing of our weapons, the intelligence they bring to our services, the development of other tech. Like the smart band aid that will save countless American lives,and more.
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